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By Ken Wagner 12/18/05

The racing season for us ended a month ago and a lot has happened. First, I couldn’t find a job that could pay me enough to do it, plus be fun and enjoyable, and in the area I live. I really was wanting to find a job in racing, but what the heck can I do after being a data processing manager for 30 years? So, we are putting our Mission Viejo condo on the market after the first of the year and moving to Las Vegas to our home there. I know, I hate the heat, and hate more giving up a place I love with perfect weather, but Terry’s mom, two daughters, three grandson’s and cousin Gary all live there. With the old bag’s age reaching 80 next May, it is a good thing for Terry to be there. So it is set in motion. I will go to Vegas in early January, missing the Chili Bowl (ugh!), and find a job and get the remodeling stuff in motion. You know Terry, she never met a house she loved that couldn’t be changed. We are boxing up things to go on to Vegas before the market see’s this place as we try to make it look less cluttered.

Of course this means a 200 mile trip each week to Perris instead of 70, so whatever. We have no desire to give up our racing, but will be on the road a tad more in the future. Until I get a job, I won’t know how much traveling I can afford, so Indiana and some other trips might have to wait until I am either retired or gainfully employed. One of the issues we all face is insurance and I am not ready for medicare so will be paying thru the nose if I don’t find a company with good benefits.

In the meantime I have heard a lot of racing rumors, but nobody has verified any so I won’t talk about them. The USAC/CRA opener at Perris is a day event on February 4th and I’ll probably miss that one even though last years event was as good as it gets under the sun. The USAC/CRA banquet is January 7th and you still have a few days to sign up. My reflections on the 2005 racing season will be coming along.

If you have been checking my B-ball link on the front page of Wags Web, you would know I hit my 51st game yesterday and there is more to come. I guess I am a little crazy, but watching the kids play ball is always fun. Now if I could just get two competent refs at each game, they would be even more perfect.

If you are looking for a unique xmas gift, Regine of Regines Blankets has plenty of racing related blankets and pauncho’s for your list. Remember her booth at Ventura and all the colorful stuff she and husband Gene display every race? E-mail her at ReginesBlankets@aol.com or call 818-249-7474 for more info.

Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to all, and to all ……. A good night!

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